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Heritage Guns Updates


We strive to keep our customers up to date with new stock that has recently arrived, newly completed restorations, upcoming shows and other news.
To this end, we send out Heritage Guns Updates by email to those who have specifically requested them.
Updates are sent out when we have something to tell you, we do not follow a particular schedule but you can reasonable expect one every 4 to 8 weeks, so you are obviously not going to get buried in spam!
We do not share our mailing list with ANYBODY!
If you would like to register for Heritage Guns Updates, click here to fill in the online application form. All we ask is that you supply the minimum of name, email address, country of origin and select if you wish to receive the Updates or not.
If you wish to deregister for Updates, either send us an email to that effect, or click here to go to the Registration Page and tick the lower most option to Unsubscribe. Please make sure that you enter the email address at the top of the form that you wish to unsubscribe.


To view the latest Update, click on the link below:

Update June 2024

Update May 2024

Update April 2024

Update August 2023

Update April 2023

Update March 2023

Update April 2022

Update November 2021

Update July 2021

Update February 2021

Update November 2020

Update September 2020

Update June 2020

Update March 2020

Update January 2020



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